Offering Commercial Door, Hardware & Precision Millwork Expertise
Contact UsCommercial Door and Hardware Experts in the Northeast
Exactitude is a leading sales and service provider for the commercial door and hardware industry in Northern New England and beyond. Our operational divisions include Hardware Consultants, Precision Millwork and Precision Systems Integration. These divisions provide an integrated approach for total opening solutions to meet our customers’ needs for commercial doors and hardware, architectural woodwork, custom wood doors and access control and video systems. Exactitude strives to provide each customer with precision solutions and uncompromised service to assure products are received in a timely manner. Our staff is ready to assist with consultation, specification writing, estimations, orders and project management.

Our end-to-end capability allows us to Cross-SERVE our customers by offering integrated building opening and security solutions from a single partner. Let us show you how Cross-SERVING can benefit you on your next project.

The Cook & Boardman Group – Joining the Industry’s Most Elite | A division of the Cook & Boardman Group
In 2012, Exactitude was acquired by the Cook & Boardman Group, LLC . As the nation's largest distributor of commercial doors and hardware, as well as one of America's fastest growing systems integrators, we have combined forces to offer comprehensive, Total Opening Solutions products and services.
National Presence. Local service.